Intro to Psychology Blog Creation

Hello! My name is Jacob Vershinski. I am from Glen Mills, Pennsylvania and I just completed my freshman year at Elizabethtown College. I have lived in Glen Mills my entire life with my mom, my dad, and my older brother. We currently have three dogs, a guinea pig, and a few fish. I am majoring in Biology with a concentration in pre-medicine, but I think that I am going to switch my major in this upcoming year.

I decided to take this course because it is a pre-requisite for my current major, as well as the major I may be switching to. I do not have any background in psychology as I did not take it in high school. When I hear the word psychology, I think of the way that people act and the reasoning behind it. Another thing that comes to mind is my favorite TV show, “Psych.” To me, chapters two, four, and the drug knowledge activity appear to be the most appealing. Chapter two is about the biology of behavior which sparks my interest. Chapter four is about how psychology changes during the human life span, and the drug knowledge activity is interesting to me. Three topics that are not interesting to me are chapter one because I know it will be the basic introductory chapter, the stress ranking activity because it’s summer time and I don’t think many of us will be stressed, and the exams are definitely not fun topics. A question about psychology that I wish to answer is what kind of role it plays in everyday life. Obviously it is going to play quite a major role, but I’m just curious as to how much it impacts the everyday life.

One thought on “Intro to Psychology Blog Creation

  1. Welcome to the course Jacob! Psych is one of my all-time favorite shows! Gus is my favorite and I love the dynamic between him and Shawn (though it’s really not a very healthy relationship). Their friendship reminds me a lot of JD and Turk from one of my other favorite shows, Scrubs. Glad to see you have such good taste in tv shows. As for the course, I’m not surprised some of the neuroscience/biological topics jumped out for you, given your background. A lot of pre-med students end up taking classes in psychology and neuroscience regardless of their major, so we’re glad to have you here. We’ll be talking quite a bit over the next 6 weeks about how the concepts we learn will be directly applicable to your everyday life, so I hope you gain a new appreciation for things that might have been going on outside your awareness. I look forward to seeing how you can connect our learning with your life.


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